Distinguishing early-stage tumors from normal tissues is of great importance in cancer diagnosis. We report fiber-based confocal visible/near-infrared (NIR) optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy that can image tumor microvasculature, oxygen saturati
We report mid-infrared Ge-on-Si waveguide-based PIN diode modulators operating at wavelengths of 3.8 and 8 μm. Fabricated 1-mm-long electro-absorption devices exhibit a modulation depth of
Optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification implemented using multikilojoule Nd:glass pump lasers is a promising approach for producing ultra-intense pulses (
Graphene oxide carboxylic acid (COOH), a novel two-dimensional (2D) layered material with its unique optical and electronic properties, is discovered to exhibit the saturation of optical absorption under laser illumination. Applying the liquid-phase exfol
We present theoretically the formation of exciton–photon polaritons and exciton-surface plasmon polaritons in a perovskite-based subwavelength lattice on the metallic plane. It is shown that the later polaritons will be achieved as the perovskite layer is