Patient history Female, 49 years old. Due to sudden palpitation, chest tightness, dizziness, vertigo for 15 minutes, on December 21, 1982 admitted. November 19, intermittent pain in the area before the pain, several times a day, every 1 to 2 minutes. On the 30th of this month due to walking accidentally fell, causing swelling and pain in the left knee, 5 days after the bloody fluid extracted from the joint cavity 60ml, by injection of green, streptomycin joint swelling basically disappeared. At 21 o’clock on the December 21, suddenly panic, chest tightness, dizziness, vertigo, abdominal discomfort, nausea, 11:15 sent to our hospital. Past history: patients with multiple uterine fibroids hysterectomy in 1964, postoperative body obesity, weight increased significantly. Physical examination: body temperature 36 ℃, pulse 40 beats / min, breathing 21 beats / min,