北京市中国旅行社北京/黄山/南京双卧6日游线路行程安排 D1:乘火车赴黄山,火车上餐自理; D2:抵黄山,赴风景区。前山乘索道上山,游览玉屏楼、迎客松、天都峰、飞来石、光明顶、排云亭。夜宿山上; D3:黄山观日出,游始信峰、狮子峰、北海景区,步行下山,游览屯溪老街; D4:乘火车赴南京,夜宿南京; D5:游览总统府、中山陵、夫子庙、长江大桥,晚乘火车返京; D6:抵京散团。 参考价格:1680元/人 服务标准:二星级双人标准间住宿(山
Beijing China Travel Service Beijing / Huangshan / Nanjing two-bedroom tour on the 6th Tour Itinerary D1: take the train to Huangshan, the train take care of themselves; D2: arrived in Huangshan, went to the scenic area. The former mountain cableway up the mountain, tour the Yuping floor, welcoming Song, Tian Du Feng, flying stone, bright top, Pai Yunting. D4: train to Nanjing, overnight stay in Nanjing; D5: visit the Presidential Palace, Sun Yat-sen , Confucius Temple, Yangtze River Bridge, late train by train to Beijing; D6: arrived in Beijing scattered group. Reference price: 1680 yuan / person service standards: two-star double standard accommodation (Hill