我们西城区骨干教师教研组共有来自19个企业、机关、街道园所的22名兼职教研员。这些教师大都有一定的教学经验,同时又有着强烈的求知热情。他们希望通过教研活动多出去走走、看看,以得到更大提高。可由于时间所限,一个学期只能组织老师们到七八所幼儿园观摩。怎么办呢? 上学期末,我们举办了一个别开生面的“教研成果展示会”。会上每位教师都把能体现自己新思想、新观念、新成绩的“作品”拿来了:有为幼儿创设“动态”环境用的“神奇口袋”,有用废旧材料做的
We Xicheng District backbone teachers teaching and research group from a total of 19 enterprises, institutions, street park 22 part-time teaching and research staff. Most of these teachers have some teaching experience, but also has a strong passion for seeking knowledge. They hope to go more and more through teaching and research activities to see if they can be greatly enhanced. Due to time constraints, only one semester can organize teachers to observe seven or eight kindergartens. What to do? At the end of the semester, we organized a unique “teaching and research achievements exhibition.” Every teacher at the conference brought “works” that reflected his new ideas, new ideas and achievements: there are “magic pockets” for creating “dynamic” environments for young children, and materials that are made of waste materials