On Influence of Cultural Differences in Understanding English and Chinese Advertisements

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  【Abstract】: Advertisement is culturally oriented and framed, which is the mirror of the values of a nation and its people. The principal cultural differences between English and Chinese exert great influence on advertisement translation.
  【Key words】: advertisements; cultural differences; cross-cultural study
  1 Introduction
  With the development of economics and technology, cross-boarder trade have become more and more frequently. Therefore ,analyzing cultural difference is favorable to the control of Chinese risk of transnational trade.
  2 Influence of Culture Differences in Understanding English and Chinese Advertisement
  Cultural differences have caused many conflicting and awkward situation. According to the analysis of cases, the mainly cultural differences can be concluded in following aspects.
  2.1 Difference in Cultural Value
  Cultural values have a deep influence on different cultures. In advertising field, advertisers acquiesce in that effective advertisements are those that express and affirm core cultural values. The task of advertisers and translators is to make the advertisements coincident with the prevalent values of the targeted people.
  2.2 Difference in Customs
  Every country has its own traditions and customs, which constitute and have influence on people’s daily life. Therefore,it is important in advertisement understanding and translation to know the local traditions and customs.
  For example, Chinese people regarded themselves as the descendants of the Dragon, and they are very proud of it. However, dragon is the emblem of adversity and ominous things in western countries.
  2.3 Difference in Religion
  Religion is a natural and social belief in the fantasy of the human consciousness. Different religions determine the specific forms and concepts, which is deep-rooted and have influence on cognitive style and the code of conduct of the members, and eventually determine the consumer behavior in different religious groups.
  2.4 Difference in Artistic Aesthetics
  Aesthetic psychology refers to certain people's aesthetic standards and aesthetic ability, which is the result of art forms such as modeling, performance and literature. In intercultural advertising communication, the artistic differences will enlarge the uncertainty of communication, such as color preferences, enthusiasm art gimmick, definition and understanding of beauty, and so on.   2.5 Difference in Laws, Politics and Institution
  Because of different political systems and traditions, advertisers should know the background of laws and policy.
  For example ,“白熊牌”香蘭素Polar Bear Xiang Lan Essence. The words "Polar Bear" has a particular meaning in international political language which refers to Russia, so maybe consumers would think that the product was made in Russia.
  3. Implementations and Strategies
  In order to understand Chinese and English advertisements appropriately, there are some implementations and strategies could be manipulated to avoid conflicts.
  3.1 Pursuit of Cultural Generality
  Economic globalization has dwarfed space and time distance among different people and communication has moved beyond national boundaries.Universal value is the common value gradually formed in the long-term practice in human lives. The universal values have not only harmonized the relationship among different races or nations, but also improved the development of the society itself.
  3.2 Respect for Religious Beliefs
  Different religions determines the specific forms and concepts, which are deep-rooted and have influence on cognitive style and the code of conduct of the members, and eventually determine the consumer behavior in different religious groups.
  3.3 Manipulations of Artistic Aesthetics
  Now that there are different artistic exists, it is important and necessary to use different artistic aesthetics in advertisement design, including color, form, voice and so on. For instance, in last century, Pepsi-Cola failed in Japan, and the reason why it failed is the color yellow, which is the symbol of death in Japan, was the domain hue of Pepsi cola at that time.
  3.4 Understanding of the Legal System and Institution
  To avoid unnecessary damage of company or individuals, advertisers and translators should know the background of legal system and institution before the designation of advertisements.
  For example, the government of china and the society has a more conservative view about sexual elements using in advertising. We can rarely see advertisements which are containing sexual and violence elements in China .
  4. Conclusion
  With the development of foreign trade and economic globalization, the world is becoming a global village.Advertisement is acting as a bridge to connect producers with consumers. In order to understand Chinese and English advertisements appropriately, we need a better understanding of cultural differences caused by different views on value, belief, aesthetics, morality concepts and so on. It is necessary to understand these differences as well as respect them. Only in this way, with the manipulation of advertising methods and translation strategies, can advertisers obtain more interests and stimulate the development of corporation and society.
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