大项目支撑快发展 ——长庆油田公司发展抓项目纪实

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“以大项目支撑快发展”,是长庆油田公司的关键词。这几年,公司每年都安排一批油气勘探领域能“开花结果”的大项目,实现了油气储量产量大幅度增长,企业规模迅速扩大,企业 “To support the rapid development of large projects,” Changqing Oilfield Company is the key words. In recent years, the company arranges a batch of large-scale projects that can “bear fruit” each year in the field of oil and gas exploration, realizing a substantial increase in the output of oil and gas reserves and the rapid expansion of the scale of enterprises. Enterprises
1 病例介绍患者,女性,12岁,身高153 cm,体重44 kg,因头晕乏力2月于2001年8月17日第1次入院。查体:贫血貌,皮肤未见出血点,颈部可见数个黄豆大小淋巴结,胸骨压痛(+),双肺清,