
来源 :临床神经病学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wcn009
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腓总神经粘液样变性,临床上不易诊断,须靠病理学确诊,现报告1例如下。1病例女,12岁。右月国窝部疼痛并踝关节不能背屈2月余入院。查体:右腓骨头内侧到月国窝股二头肌腱内侧触及一直径1.0cm条索状包块,长5.0cm,压痛,质中,与皮肤不粘连,不活动,足... Common peroneal nerve myxoid degeneration, clinically difficult to diagnose, to be confirmed by pathology, are reported in 1 case as follows. 1 case female, 12 years old. Right pubis pain and ankle joints can not dorsiflexion more than 2 months admitted. Physical examination: the inside of the right fibular head to the lunar nest biceps touches a 1.0cm diameter cord-like mass, 5.0cm long, tenderness, quality, and the skin does not adhesion, inactivity, enough ...