乡镇党委面临着经济建设、自身建设等许多任务,但我深深感到:目前最紧迫的是认清农村形势,理清矛盾头绪,提高领导水平,备好过河的桥和船。三大挑战随着改革的不断深入,近些年,农村有3个矛盾较为突出: 群众迫切的求富心理与经济发展现状的矛盾。农村早期改革的局限性降缓了生产力发展的速度。新一轮改革正处在酝酿、起步阶段,新的能量没有释放出来,农村经济发展速度下滑在所难免,这些已经引
The township party committees are faced with many tasks such as economic construction and self-construction. However, I deeply feel: At present, the most urgent task is to recognize the situation in rural areas, sort out contradictions, raise leadership level, and build bridges and ships across the river. Three major challenges With the continuous deepening of reform, in recent years there have been three prominent contradictions in rural areas: the urgent need for the masses to seek prosperity and the current economic situation. The limitations of early rural reform slowed the pace of development of the productive forces. The new round of reform is in the brewing, initial stage, the new energy is not released, the decline in rural economic development is inevitable, these have cited