病历摘要患儿女,40天。出生后一直不睁眼,于1986年7月13日来我院就诊。患儿系第一胎,足月顺产。母诉患儿出生后一直未睁眼,但哭时有泪。其母孕期正常,无服药史及X线接触史。父母非近亲结婚,家族中无先天性畸形者。体检:除右侧鼻前庭有一绿豆大小之赘生物外,余未见异常。眼部检查:双眼眉毛稀疏,上、下硷及泪器发育正常。双侧眼窝塌陷,呈闭合状,睑裂长15mm,纵径可拉开6mm,深入7m m。眼窝触之柔软而有陷落
Medical records with children, 40 days. Has not opened his eyes after birth, in July 13, 1986 came to our hospital. Children with the first child, full-term birth. Mother complained children have not opened their eyes after birth, but tears when crying. Her mother’s normal pregnancy, no medication history and X-ray exposure history. Parents of non-relatives married, no congenital malformations in the family. Physical examination: In addition to the right side of the nasal vestibule has a mung bean-sized vegetation, I did not see abnormalities. Eye examination: thin eyebrows, upper and lower alkaline and tear labrum development is normal. Bilateral eye socket collapse, was closed, palpebral fissure length 15mm, longitudinal diameter can be pulled 6mm, depth 7m m. Eyelid soft touch and fall