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企业结构调整是现代企业面对瞬息万变的市场环境和日趋激烈的产品竞争,对一些企业进行优胜劣汰、优化组合的举措,是我国现代企业发展的必然方向。企业档案作为企业企业管理、无形资产的一部分,应适应这种变化,从而形成既集中又灵活协调的企业档案工作体系。 企业结构调整中出现的多样化趋势和复杂多变的格局,是当前档案工作碰到的新问题,对档案工作提出了新的要求,在新形势下如何使档案工作原则不断充实、完善、进一步推动企业档案工作的蓬勃发展,更好地为企业改革、经济建设服务是值得我们思考的,下面就企业结构调整中出现的企业兼并,重组等变化,如何进行档案管理与同行共同探讨。 The adjustment of the enterprise structure is an inevitable trend for the development of modern enterprises in the modern enterprise in the face of a rapidly changing market environment and increasingly fierce product competition. As a part of enterprise business management and intangible assets, corporate archives should adapt to this change, so as to form a centralized and flexible corporate archives work system. The diversification trend and complex and ever-changing pattern appearing in the restructuring of enterprises are the new problems encountered in the current archives work. They have put forward new requirements for the archives work and how to make the principles of archives work more continual, perfect and further in the new situation. Promoting the vigorous development of enterprise archives and better serving the enterprise reform and economic development are worth our consideration. The following will discuss the changes in corporate mergers, restructurings, and other changes that have taken place in the restructuring of enterprises, and how file management will be discussed with peers.
书愤①陆游早岁那知世事艰②,中原北望气如山③。楼船夜雪瓜洲渡④,铁马秋风大散关⑤。塞上长城空自许⑥,镜中衰鬓已先斑⑦。出师一表真名世⑧,千载谁堪伯仲间⑨! Book indi
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下图中,奇奇、乐乐和毛毛三只小猫在进行1分钟抓鼠比赛。请仔细观察,看看1分钟内,哪只小猫抓的老鼠最多,谁就是第一名。 In the picture below, Kiki, Lele and Maomao thre
自然的美是无限的,人感受到的美却是有限的,一次偶然让我在纵情一片花海中寻找到了精神的归宿。——题记头顶的太阳火辣辣的炙烤着大地,我眼中的泪水已经渐渐模 The beauty