随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的确立及深入发展 ,社会资源的配置也发生了根本的变化。以往涉及计划经济体制下的大批的加工、操作型的企业 ,完全是按国家计划“拨米、给米”的模式经营 ,现在必须迅速地转变为“找米、寻米”型了。这一巨大的转变 ,随之而来向企业投资者和经营
With the establishment and further development of China’s socialist market economic system, the allocation of social resources has undergone fundamental changes. In the past, a large number of processing and operation-oriented enterprises involved in the planned economy were operating exclusively in accordance with the national plan of “allocating rice and giving rice” and must now rapidly change into a “find rice and seek rice” type. This huge shift ensued to business investors and businesses