In life sciences,molecules are categorized into biological macromolecules(protein,DNA,RNA etc.)and small molecules(neurotransmitters,vitamins,drugs,natural products,water etc.).The main methodology of chemistry for life sciences is using chemical techniques and tools to explore and manipulate the functions of biological macromolecules.This methodology can be traced back to W hler’s synthesis of urea from“inorganic”compounds in 1828.Today,we realize that chemistry can advance a molecular understanding of biology,and the harnessing of biology can advance chemical knowledge as well[1–4].Chemicals are widely used as probes to investigate biological functions[5–7].
In life sciences, molecules are categorized into biological macromolecules (protein, DNA, RNA etc.) and small molecules (neurotransmitters, vitamins, drugs, natural products, water etc.). The main methodology of chemistry for life sciences is using chemical techniques and tools to explore and manipulate the functions of biological macromolecules. This methodology can be traced back to W hler’s synthesis of urea from “inorganic ” compounds in 1828. Today, we realize that chemistry can advance a molecular understanding of biology, and the harnessing of biology can advance chemical knowledge as well [1-4]. Chemicals are widely used as probes to investigate biological functions [5-7].