An Analysis of the Relationship of Confucian Thoughts to Chinese Traditional Culture with Western Cu

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By drawing support from the kernel theories of Confucian thoughts and the dominant characteristic of Chinese traditional culture,this article was to introduce how Confucian thoughts play a chief role in Chinese traditional culture.The study first analyzed the kernel theories of Confucian thoughts and the chief characteristic of Chinese traditional culture in two parallel lines.Then Chinese traditional culture was deliberated in culture patterns with Confucian thoughts and Western Culture concerned. By drawing support from the kernel theories of Confucian thoughts and the dominant characteristic of Chinese traditional culture, this article was to introduce how Confucian thoughts play a chief role in Chinese traditional culture. The study first analyzed the kernel theories of Confucian thoughts and the chief characteristic of Chinese traditional culture in two parallel lines.Then Chinese traditional culture was deliberated in culture patterns with Confucian thoughts and Western Culture concerned.
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