Fluoride-induced Early Teeth Wearing in Argentinian Cattle

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cobo520
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The relationship between observed early teeth wearing in cattle and the existence of large areas where excess nuoride in underground water prevails in Argentina, but has never been studied. Average values of bone fluoride exceeding 5000 ppm and well water containing up to 10.5 ppm of this element were found in a farm (ETWF) where early teeth wearing is observed, while in a control farm (NETWF), those values were 1480 ppm and 3.0 ppm respectively. Urine samples from animals from the ETWF contained almost 4 times more fluoride than those from the latter.Forage in both farms contained about the same levels of fluoride (15 to 25 ppm). None of the farms was exPosed to industrial, volcanic, or geothermal activity. Lactating and adult animals were transferred from one farm to the other. After 30 months, adult animals from the NETWF showed no damage in teeth, while adults from the ETWF continued a rapid teeth wearing. Young animals from the NETWF developed severely damaged permanent teeth, while young animals from the ETWF developed normal teeth. We concluded that the problem exists in the ETWF and being a standard farm, the condition could be extrapolated to other areas The relationship between observed early teeth wearing in cattle and the existence of large areas where excess nuoride in underground water prevails in Argentina, but has never been studied. Average values ​​of bone fluoride exceeding 5000 ppm and well water containing up to 10.5 ppm of this element were found in a farm (ETWF) where early teeth wearing is observed, while in a control farm (NETWF), those values ​​were 1480 ppm and 3.0 ppm respectively. Urine samples from animals from the ETWF contained almost 4 times more fluoride than those from the latter. Storage in both farms contained about the same levels of fluoride (15 to 25 ppm). None of the farms was exPosed to industrial, volcanic, or geothermal activity. Lactating and adult animals were transferred from one farm to the other. After 30 months, adult animals from the NETWF showed no damage in teeth, while adults from the ETWF continued a rapid teeth wearing. le young animals from the ETWF developed normal teeth. We concluded that the problem exists in the ETWF and being a standard farm, the condition could be extrapolated to other areas
为了激发学生的写作热情,挖掘优秀的写作苗子,营造良好的的校园文学氛围,促进学校作文教学,提升学生写作积极性,4月下旬,在浙江省台州市黄岩区教育局的支持下,本刊在台州市黄岩区举办了“同题赛场”活动。黄岩实验中学、黄岩西城中学、黄岩东浦中学、黄岩城关中学等四所学校的八年级同学经过初赛、复赛,最终,活动评选出了一、二、三等奖和优秀奖共54名。  获奖名单  一等奖(5名)  叶珂鑫《油漆工的故事》 黄岩
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