有这么一则鲜为人知的旧闻:1961年春节,广东粤剧院组团赴越南访问演出,团内名伶精英云集,演出很成功,受到胡志明的亲自接见。不料该国的国防部长看戏时竟相中了一位著名的花旦,连看几晚戏后提出了婚娶的要求。武夫的单恋自然没有得到回报,剧团便匆匆载誉归国了。粤剧多传奇,如此异国奇事,大概在现代中国戏曲史上也不多见。这是名旦之魅力,也是粤剧之魅力。据说,五六十年代主政广东的陶铸,有几个行业的事情常常要亲自过问,其中之一便有粤剧。悠悠30年已过去,今天的粤剧又怎样呢? “万能泰斗”的豪言
There is such a little-known old news: On the Spring Festival of 1961, a delegation from Guangdong Cantonese Opera Theater went to Vietnam to visit and perform. The elite elite gathered in the regiment and the performance was very successful. He was personally interviewed by Ho Chi Minh. Unexpectedly, when the country’s defense minister watched the show, he actually made a name for him. Even after a few nights’ play, he put forward the request for marriage. Wu Fu’s unrequited love naturally did not get rewarded, the troupe hastily returned home. Cantonese opera more legends, so exotic wonders, probably in the history of modern Chinese opera is rare. This is the charm of the famous, but also the charm of Cantonese opera. It is said that in the 1950s and 1960s, Tao Zhu, who was in charge of Guangdong, often had to ask questions in a few industries, one of which was Cantonese opera. Long 30 years have passed, today’s Cantonese opera what happens? “Almighty” rhetoric