地上铺满厚厚坚冰,天上飘着鹅毛大雪。1994年12月1日至15日,莫斯科整个被冰雪覆盖着,然而为纪念第一个太空人加加林而营造的宇宙饭店里却硝烟弥漫,一场空前规模的国际象棋世界大战正在那里进行。由124支男队、81支女队会盟的第31届(女子第16届)世界国际象棋奥林匹克团体冠军赛(简称奥赛),经14轮角逐,排定座次后,业已曲终人散。作为随队出征的中国队的一员,回国数天后,此次大战的风云仍萦绕脑际,拂之不去。 中国女队仍不失为世界强队
The ground covered with thick ice, floating snow goose feathers in the sky. From December 1 to December 15, 1994, the entire snow-covered city of Moscow was filled with smoke in the cosmic hotel to commemorate the first astronaut Gagarin, where an unprecedented chess world war was taking place. By the 124 men’s team, 81 women’s team league’s 31st (women’s 16th) World Chess Olympic Team Championship (referred to as Orsay), after 14 rounds of competition, scheduled seating, has been ended in song. As a member of the Chinese team with the team march, a few days after returning home, the battle of the world is still lingering in the air, not to leave. Chinese women’s team is still a strong team in the world