突厥汗国是突厥人在 6世纪中叶建立的多部落、多部族的奴隶制国家 ,这个凭借武力征服建立起来的国家却在 6世纪末分裂为东、西两部分 ,本文试就其形成的过程和分裂的原因作一浅析 ,不当之处敬请指教。一、突厥人的起源突厥人是起源于中亚叶尼塞河上游的游牧民族 ,“突厥”...
The Turkic Khanate is a multi-tribal and multi-ethnic slavery state established by Turks in the middle of the 6th century. This nation, established by the conquest of force, was divided into East and West parts by the end of the 6th century. This paper attempts to analyze the process and Analysis of the reasons for the division, please advise inappropriate. First, the origin of Turkic Turks are originated in the nomads of the Upper Yenisei River in Central Asia, “Turks” ...