Autumn celery after winter storage, the output value can be doubled. Its fake planting technology is as follows. First, choose to do pit. Cellar site is best selected at the shade, to the north and south as well, cellar depth of 1.5 meters, 1 meter deep ground, 0.5 meters above ground, wide in 2 meters to 2.5 meters, the length is not limited, depending on the storage may be. Dug the soil in the pit first and then placed it on the pits around the smashed real. The top of the pit leaves 0.8 meters wide vents, the length depends on the length of the pit, and the pit is ready for storage. Second, timely harvest. Celery should be stored at minus 3 to 4 ℃ before harvest. 1 to 2 days before the harvest to be poured once