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当前,建立并完善民生档案数据库是档案工作走向现代化、不断提升工作效率与水平的有效手段,也是开展民生档案建设和智慧档案建设的必然要求。2004年,龙泉市档案馆正式启动民生档案数据库建设工作,经过12年的不懈努力,市民生档案数据库中的档案资源积少成多,档案类别不断完善,数据库已然成为市档案馆服务当地群众的好帮手,并树立了良好口碑。下面,笔者 At present, establishing and improving the people’s livelihood archive database is an effective means for the modernization of archives work and continuous improvement of work efficiency and level. It is also an inevitable requirement for the construction of people’s livelihood files and the construction of smart archives. In 2004, Longquan City Archives officially started the construction of the livelihood archives database. After 12 years of unremitting efforts, the archives resources in the archives of the people’s livelihood have accumulated as much as possible, and the archives category has been continuously improved. The database has become the service of local archives A good helper, and set a good reputation. Below, the author