陕鼓动力2014年9月19日晚间发布公告,公司控股子公司陕西秦风气体股份有限公司拟投资8868万元,收购内蒙古伊东集团九鼎化工有限责任公司所持准格尔旗鼎承气体有限责任公司100%股权。陕鼓动力表示,此次意在收购鼎承气体的12500 m3/h空分设备资产,并与秦风气体前期投资10686万元建设的
Shaanhuang Power On the evening of September 19, 2014, an announcement was made that Shaanxi Qinfeng Gas Co., Ltd., a controlling subsidiary of the Company, planned to invest 88.68 million yuan to acquire the limited liability of Zhunge’er Dingding Gas held by Inner Mongolia Ito Group Jiuding Chemical Co., Ltd. 100% stake in the company. Shaan Kwu motivation, said the intention to acquire Ding Cheng gas 12500 m3 / h air separation plant assets, and Qin gas early investment of 106.86 million yuan to build