从前,人们把人参、貂皮和鹿茸誉为关东三宝。如今,林蛙又成为人们食用、药用和滋补保健的一个新资源。商品蛙及其产品的销售逐年紧俏,价格不断提高。林蛙养殖也因投资少、收益大、见效快而成为东北林区继人参、鹿茸和木耳之后又一新兴养殖业。中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis),俗称哈土蟆、田鸡。分布于我国东北、华北和西北等地,但以东北所产的个儿最大,因此东北是商品林蛙的主要产地。它
In the past, people have ginseng, mink and antler as the Kanto Sambo. Today, Rana has become a new source of food, medicinal and nourishing health care. The sales of commercial frogs and their products have been on the rise year by year with the prices rising continuously. Rana farming due to less investment, large profits, quick and become the Northeast Forest following the ginseng, pilose antler and fungus after another emerging aquaculture. Rana chensinensis (Rana chensinensis), commonly known as Ha toad, frog. Distributed in China’s northeast, north and northwest and other places, but the Northeast produced the largest, so the Northeast is the main origin of commercial forest frog. it