湖泊水产资源的开发利用 ,既有湖泊水体本身生产潜力的发挥 ,又有湖泊相关经济因素的协调。湖泊由于水质肥沃 ,光、热、水、土等自然条件优越 ,水深适宜 ,水草茂盛 ,历来是洄游性鱼类良好的育肥场所和定居性鱼类、虾类、贝类生长、繁殖的地方。合理开发利用湖泊渔业资源 ,加快?
The development and utilization of lakes and aquatic resources not only bring into play the potential of lakes and water bodies themselves, but also coordinate the economic factors related to lakes. Due to its rich water quality, lakes have excellent natural conditions such as light, heat, water and soil, suitable depth of water and lush flora and fauna. The lake has always been a good place for fattening and settling fish, shrimp and shellfish of migratory fish. Rational development and utilization of lake fishery resources, speed up?