Before the implementation of planned immunization, measles in our province once every 2 to 3 years once popular. The average annual report (incidence in the following reports are the number of incidence or rate) incidence of 593 1/100000. The incidence of measles dropped significantly after the implementation of the planned immunization. In 1995, the incidence of measles in our province was 73,000, which was 98.2% lower than that of 1978 before the planned immunization. From 1991 to 1996, measles was mainly found in preschool children and primary school students, with the peak incidence in March and June, and a higher incidence of measles in the mountainous areas of Anhui and Jianghuai hilly areas. To further reduce the incidence of measles, so that our province during the “Nine Five” measles control objectives can be successfully achieved, the province should continue to maintain a high level of measles vaccine routine immunization rates; the establishment of suspected cases of measles epidemiology and laboratory monitoring system; To carry out the province’s measles-intensive immunization activities to control measles outbreaks.