新时期下的健康管理无论从内涵、外延还是内容、效率和组织框架等都有很大不同,新时期下的健康管理借助于互联网技术、物联网技术和人工智能等技术全方位全周期管理居民个体的健康.本文在回顾国内外健康管理发展历程的基础上,详细阐述了国内外关于健康管理内涵的界定,提出健康中国战略下的健康管理应以医防融合为核心.“,”Health management in the new era is significantly different from previous practices in terms of connotation, denotation, content, efficiency, and organizational framework. New health management systems utilize Internet technology, Internet of things, and artificial intelligence in order to manage individuals′ health in a comprehensive way. Reviewing the development of health management domestically and abroad, this article elaborates the connotations of health management and proposes that health management under the Healthy China strategy should focus on a combination of clinical care and prevention.