The author uses salt and potassium nitrate to make a variety of different proportion of the floating liquid. Floating gather hookworm eggs and roundworm eggs. The results show that: the lower the proportion of 1.060 floating liquid, you can check hookworm eggs. Each increase in the proportion of 0.01, the number of eggs will increase 1 times. The proportion of 1.110-1.350, check hook eggs most (see Figure 1). Ascaris eggs only from the proportion of more than 1.190 in the floating liquid, check the number of eggs increased significantly. The proportion of 1.250 floating liquid than the proportion of 1.190 floating liquid, check the number of eggs increased by 3 times. It is also demonstrated that the center of the floating surface is more than the green edge (see Figure 2). All experiments found that the largest number of eggs for the proportion of 1.300 floating liquid. So pretentious