Hysteretic Phenomenon of Shock Wave in a Supersonic Nozzle

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haiyang1979
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In recent years, hysteretic phenomena in fluid flow systems drew attention for their great variety of industrial and engineering applications. When the high-pressure gas is exhausted to atmosphere from the nozzle exit, the expanded supersonic jet with the Mach disk is formed at a specific condition. In two-dimensional expanded supersonic jet, the hysteresis phenomenon for the reflection type of shock wave is occurred under the quasi-steady flow and the transitional pressure ratio between the regular reflection and Mach reflection is affected by this phenomenon. However, so far, there are very few researches for the hysteretic phenomenon of shock wave in a supersonic internal flow and the phenomenon has not been investigated satisfactorily. The present study was concerned with the experimental and numerical investigations of hysteretic phenomena of shock wave in a supersonic nozzle, and discussed the relationship between hysteresis phenomenon and rate of the change of pressure ratio with time. In recent years, hysteretic phenomena in fluid flow systems drew attention for their great variety of industrial and engineering applications. When the high-pressure gas is exhausted to atmosphere from the nozzle exit, the expanded supersonic jet with the Mach disk is formed at a specific condition. In two-dimensional expanded supersonic jet, the hysteresis phenomenon for the reflection type of shock wave is occurred under the quasi-steady flow and the transitional pressure ratio between the regular reflection and the Mach reflection is affected by this phenomenon. However, so far , there are very few researches for the hysteretic phenomenon of shock wave in a supersonic internal flow and the phenomenon has not been investigated satisfactorily. The present study was concerned with the experimental and numerical investigations of hysteretic phenomena of shock wave in a supersonic nozzle, and discussed the relationship between hysteresis phenomenon and rate of the change of pressure ratio wit h time.
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