西班牙裔美国人群白内障及白内障手术障碍因素调查:Proyecto VER

来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzxldf2003
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Objectives: To report the prevalence of visually significant cataract and cataract surgery and to determine demographic and socioeconomic factors that influence use of cataract surgery in a US Hispanic population. Methods: Proyecto VER is a population-based study of Hispanic individuals, 40 years or older, living in southern Arizona. Visual acuity was measured monocularly, and a dilated ophthalmic examination was performed to determine lens opacities. Visually significant cataract was defined as severe levels of opacity and acuity worse than 20/40. Risk factors were compared between those who obtained cataract surgery in the past and those having visually significant cataract. Results: A majority of the 4774 participants in this study were of Mexican descent; 2.8% had visually signifi-cant cataract and 5.1% had undergone bilateral cataract surgery. Among those currently or previously needing surgery, having medical insurance (odds ratio, 2.88; P < .001) and speaking English (odds ratio, 1.80; P=.04) were significantly associated with having obtained surgery in the past. Conclusions: Visually significant cataract appears to be high among US Hispanic individuals of Mexican descent, as evidenced by rates of cataract and cataract surgery. Language and financial barriers in this population impede access to surgery. Further work to remove these barriers and provide sight restoration is warranted among Hispanic individuals of Mexican descent living in the United States. Objectives: To report the prevalence of visually cataract and cataract surgery and to determine demographic and socioeconomic factors that influence use of cataract surgery in a US Hispanic population. Methods: Proyecto VER is a population-based study of Hispanic individuals, 40 years or older Visual acuity was measured to determine lens opacities. Visually significant cataract was defined as severe levels of opacity and acuity worse than 20/40. Risk factors were comparing between those who who obtained Results: A majority of the 4774 participants in this study were of Mexican descent; 2.8% had visually signifi-cant cataract and 5.1% had undergone bilateral cataract surgery. Among those currently or before needing surgery, having medical insurance (odds ratio, 2.88; P <.001) and speaking English (odds ratio , 1.80; P = .04) were significantly associated cataract appears to be high among US Hispanic individuals of Mexican descent, as evidenced by rates of cataract and cataract surgery. Language and financial barriers in this population impede access to surgery. Further work to remove these barriers and provide sight restoration is warranted among Hispanic individuals of Mexican descent living in the United States.
油茶(Camellia oleifera)是我国中部和南方各省的重要木本油料植物,产地常保留有很多大树,这些大树对研究油茶的栽培历史、生物学特性等都有重要价值,应该加意保护。这里介
吩嗪在有机化学领域内有着一定的特殊地位,吩嗪和二氢吩嗪由儿茶酚和邻苯二酚反应制得。吩嗪及其衍生物可以用作杀菌剂,近年来吩嗪在农药领域的应用越来越广泛。 Phenazine
目的分析某院泌尿外科抗菌药物使用情况的合理性。方法回顾性调查该院7月份泌尿外科出院病历120份,对抗菌药物医嘱进行专项点评。结果 120份病历中有64例患者使用了抗菌药物,
摘要 为了更好地落实体育工作条例、树良好校风、创文明校园、建优良秩序、提高少年儿童的整体素质的要求,让学生养成锻炼身体的良好习惯,对学生广播操要实行精细化管理。  关键词 广播操 细化 管理 行为习惯  我校一直把学生广播操的精细化管理作为学校的亮点工程和培养学生良好行为习惯的抓手,连续两年参加区学生广播操评比活动分获第一名、第二名的好成绩。下面浅谈我校对学生广播操实行精细化管理的几点做法:  一
摘要 研究“吉文化”旨在师生们通过知晓“吉文化”,继承与发扬以爱国主义为核心的团结统一、爱好和平、勤劳勇敢、自强不息的民族精神,创建和谐校园。丰富学校课程资源,营造民主、和谐、愉悦的工作环境和育人氛围,让每个学生体验成功的快乐,让教师享受教育的幸福。  关键词 吉文化 特色教育 学校建设  形成特色文化是创建特色学校的核心。我校是按照办学理念一教育实践一特色文化一特色学校的路径来创建特色学校的。在
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树种I造林林种株行距离(米)每亩造林株数油 松棒子松刺槐榆树旱柳沙棘胡枝子紫穗槐臭椿山 杏用 材 林用 材 林用材林或薪炭林用 材 林用材林.护岸林固沟林,薪炭林防护林、条