口服葡萄糖耐量试验前饮食原则口服葡萄糖耐量试验(Oral Glucose Tolerance Test,OGTT)目的是用高糖类膳食来测验人体对葡萄糖的耐量,帮助诊断糖尿病。由于试验中需要通过口服葡萄糖来增加血糖水平,对于已经确诊为糖尿病的患者,OGTT不适宜进行。试验前12~16小时内禁食。OGTT须在上午进行,假设上午九点开始做OGTT,那么前一天晚上九点以后就不要吃东西了。Himsworth认为碳水化合物是食物中唯一决定糖
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) The purpose of the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) is to test the body’s resistance to glucose with a high-carbohydrate diet to help diagnose diabetes. OGTT is unsuitable for patients already diagnosed with diabetes due to the need to increase blood glucose levels through oral glucose testing. Fasting within 12 to 16 hours before the test. The OGTT must be conducted in the morning. Assuming OGTT begins at 9 am, do not eat after nine o’clock the night before. Himsworth believes that carbohydrates are the only foods that determine sugar