2004年浙江高技术产业发展工作的主要成效 2004年浙江高技术产业发展工作围绕省委、省政府提出的深入实施“八八战略”的战略部署,在国家发展改革委的指导下,经过全省发展改革系统的共同努力,取得了明显成效,有力地促进了高技术产业的快速发展。预计全年实现高技术产业产值1360亿元,同比增长29%;其中高技术产品出口额34亿美元,同比增长34%;实现高技术产业增加值340亿元,同比增长30%,高技术产业增加值占GDP的比重达3.0%。
Major Achievements of Zhejiang High-tech Industry Development in 2004 Focusing on the strategic implementation of “Eighty-eight Strategy” proposed by the provincial party committee and government, the development of high-tech industry in Zhejiang in 2004 under the guidance of the National Development and Reform Commission The joint efforts of the province in developing the reform system have yielded marked results and effectively promoted the rapid development of high-tech industries. The output value of high-tech industry is expected to reach 136 billion yuan for the whole year, an increase of 29% over the same period of last year. Among them, the export of high-tech products is 3.4 billion U.S. dollars, up 34% over the same period of last year; the added value of high-tech industry is 34 billion yuan, up 30% Value added accounted for 3.0% of GDP.