在短短的几年时间内,LCD迅速取代CRT,成为占据主流的显示技术。在价格不断平民化的同时, LCD的显示品质也变得越来越好。尽管视角与响应时间有了很大改观,LCD的显示品质获得一定的提升,但LCD的前进步伐并没有因此停顿,业界将技术改进的重点放在以下几个领域:进一步改善动态显示质量,彻底摆脱拖尾的困扰;提高画面对比度,使之可表现出更丰富的层次感;进一步提高LCD的色彩表现,使之能够接近甚至达到CRT的水准。
In just a few years time, LCD quickly replaced CRT, becoming the dominant display technology. In the constant price of civilians at the same time, LCD display quality has become better and better. Despite the great improvement in viewing angle and response time, the display quality of the LCD has been improved to a certain extent. However, the progress of the LCD has not stopped. The industry has focused on technological improvements in the following areas: further improving the dynamic display quality and thoroughly Get rid of trailing troubles; improve the contrast of the picture, so that it can show a richer level of sense of depth; to further improve the LCD’s color performance, so that it can be close to or even reach the CRT level.