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中国继2005年首次作为临时观察员参加第19届OECD/GLP工作组会议后,一直积极申请成为OECD/GLP“非成员数据互认协议”签署方,近年来,中国农药GLP体系建设也取得了较快的发展。一、基本建立农药GLP考核及管理体系近年来,中国制定和颁布了一系列GLP相关的规章和规范性文件,包括《农药良好实验室考核管理办法》(试行)、“农药良好实验室考核专家管 Following its first participation as a temporary observer in the 19th OECD / GLP Working Group meeting in 2005, China has been actively applying for becoming a signatory of the OECD / GLP ”Non-member Data Mutual Recognition Agreement.“ In recent years, China has also made progress in establishing a GLP system for pesticides. A faster development. First, the basic establishment of pesticide GLP assessment and management system In recent years, China has formulated and promulgated a series of GLP-related regulations and normative documents, including the ”Pesticide Good Laboratory Assessment Management Measures“ (Trial Implementation), ”Pesticide Good Laboratory Assessment Expert tube