
来源 :语文学习 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sketchupbim
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读章桂周老师发表在2013年第12期《语文学习》上的文章《语文在可教与可不教之间》,我很有同感。十四年的教学生涯,让我越来越清晰地认识到,语文不同于其他严密的科学,而与艺术的特征也许更为接近。与其将一篇篇美文条分缕析地肢解,不如将其作为一个个礼物送给学生,让他们观察、抚摸、感受、表达。我们要做的只是让 Reading the article by Prof. Zhang Guizhu published in the 12th issue of “Chinese Language Learning” 2013, “Chinese is between teaching and not teaching”, I share the same feeling. Fourteen years of teaching career made me realize more and more clearly that Chinese is different from other strict sciences and may be closer to the characteristics of art. Instead of splitting an article into articles, it is better to give it to students as a gift for observation, touching, feeling and expression. All we have to do is let