嘌呤是构成核苷酸的重要碱基,代谢终产物是尿酸,代谢紊乱使尿酸的生成增加或排出减少,引起高尿酸血症及痛风。饮食摄入的嘌呤可影响血清中尿酸水平。随着居民对食品风味的追求,复合调味品在烹饪中的使用率逐渐增加。这些复合调味品均添加有呈味核苷酸5’-肌苷酸二钠盐(ino-sine monophosphae,IMP,又称次黄苷酸)和5’-鸟苷酸二钠盐(guanosine monophosphate,GMP)。这2种核苷酸可代谢生成次黄嘌呤和鸟嘌呤,是通过食物摄入嘌呤的来源之一。本研究利用高效液相色谱法对鸡精、鸡粉、高汤精、蔬之鲜等复合调味料的嘌呤含量进行测定,并对其嘌呤含量进行比较。
Purine nucleotides constitute an important base, the metabolic end product is uric acid, metabolic disorders make uric acid production increased or decreased emissions, causing hyperuricemia and gout. Purine dietary intake can affect serum uric acid levels. With the residents’ pursuit of food flavor, the usage of compound condiments in cooking has gradually increased. These complex condiments were all supplemented with the flavoring nucleotide inosine monophosphae (IMP, also known as inosine) and guanosine monophosphate (guanosine monophosphate, GMP). These two nucleotides metabolize hypoxanthine and guanine and are one of the sources of purine intake through food. In this study, purine content of chicken sauces, chicken powder, broth essence, fresh vegetables and other seasonings were determined by HPLC, and their purine contents were compared.