糠片蚧卵发育的起点温度为6.78℃,孵化积温为102.2日度。在15—34℃温度范围内,发育速率随温度升高而加快,孵化率则降低。在28℃恒温下,世代历期为42天,雌蚧产卵期可达50余天,平均每雌产卵55.5粒,种群趋势指数Ⅰ=11.0,内禀增长率 r_m=0.259,存活曲线为 DeveeyⅢ型。雌成蚧是田间存在的主要形式。越冬后第一、二代幼蚧发生比较整齐,是药剂防治的关键时期。
The starting temperature of the development of chaff scale eggs was 6.78 ℃, the incubation temperature was 102.2 days. In the temperature range of 15-34 ℃, the growth rate is accelerated with the increase of temperature, while the hatching rate is decreased. At the constant temperature of 28 ℃, the generation duration was 42 days. The spawning period of the female scales was more than 50 days, with an average of 55.5 eggs per female. The population trend index Ⅰ = 11.0, intrinsic rate of increase r_m = 0.259, survival curve Deveey Ⅲ type. Female adult scale is the main form of existence in the field. After the first wintering, the second generation of juveniles occurred more neat, is the key period of chemical control.