紫薇(Lagerstroemia indica)是千屈菜科、紫薇属落叶灌木或小乔木。树姿优美,树干光滑,花色艳丽,开花时正当夏、秋少花季节,花期很长,从6月可开到9月,故有“百日红”之称,有“盛夏遮绿眼,此花红满堂”的赞语。紫薇是亚热带阳性树种,适应上海地区的环境气候和土壤,是上海地区园林绿化的常见植物,适宜种植于庭园及建筑物前,也宜栽植于池旁、路边及草坪上。紫薇常孤植成景,也可3~5株丛植,在园林养护上须注意种植栽培、水肥管理、修剪整形和病虫害防治等工作。种植栽培紫薇喜温暖、湿润气候;喜光,又稍耐阴;耐旱,怕涝;喜肥沃、湿润、排水良好的石灰性土壤。根据紫薇的生态习性应选择地势较高、不易积水的向阳处种植。在梅雨季节应注意及时排水,
Lagerstroemia indica is a Lythraceae family, Lagerstroemia deciduous shrub or small tree. Tree graceful, smooth trunk, beautiful colors, flowers when the summer, autumn less flowering season, flowering is very long, from June to September, so there is Green eyes, this bonus full "Praise language. Crape mytilus is a subtropical species, to adapt to Shanghai’s environmental climate and soil, is a common plant landscaping in Shanghai, suitable for planting in gardens and buildings, should also be planted in pools, roadside and lawn. Crape myrtle often solitary plant into King, also 3 to 5 plants Cong, garden conservation should pay attention to planting and cultivation, water and fertilizer management, pruning and pest control and other work. Cultivation cultivation Ziwei hi warm, humid climate; hi light, slightly shade; drought, fear of floods; like fertile, moist, well-drained lime soil. According to the ecological habits of crape myrtle should choose a higher terrain, easy to catch the sun at the Department of planting. In the rainy season should pay attention to timely drainage,