发展中国家的现代化存在着与发达国家不同的发展逻辑和特殊矛盾。这些矛盾在发达国家现代化过程中是不曾遇到或很少出现的 ,并且大都具有“悖论”的性质。就共性而言 ,这些“悖论”性矛盾主要有 :浓缩与循序 ;滞后与超前 ;机会与压力 ;解构与重建 ;民族化与世界化。文章也指出 ,发展中国家在其发展过程中 ,虽然有其种种矛盾和问题 ,但也有其独特的“后发优势”。
The modernization of developing countries has different logic of development and special contradictions with developed countries. These contradictions have not encountered or been rarely seen in the modernization of developed countries and are mostly “paradoxical” in nature. In terms of commonality, these “paradox” contradictions are mainly concentrated and sequential; lag and advanced; opportunity and pressure; deconstruction and reconstruction; nationalization and globalization. The article also pointed out that developing countries have their own unique “backward advantage” despite their various contradictions and problems in their development.