Objective: To understand the incidence of hand, foot and mouth disease (enterovirus) infection in Hangzhou children from August 2008 to June 2009. Methods: Serum samples of 464 children with hand, foot and mouth disease were detected by ELISA using IgM, IgM, Coxsackie’s IgM and EV71 IgG. Results: The IgM detection rate was 71.7% (333/464) in 464 cases of HFMD and 66.8% (310/464) in enterovirus. The detection rate of IgM in coxsackievirus A 59.3% (275/464), EV71IgM detection rate was 8% (37/464). Of the four viruses, 55 were simultaneously infected with 2 viruses and 227 were simultaneously infected with 3 viruses (of which, Coxsackie, Erkovirus and Enterovirus were most simultaneously infected at the same time, a total of 222), 4 viruses At the same time there are 26 cases of infection. Conclusion: Erkovirus is the major causative agent of hand, foot and mouth disease in children. Children with different intestinal virus mixed infection.