Characterizing Spatial Patterns of Phenology in Cropland of China Based on Remotely Sensed Data

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cool_lei
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This study used time-series of global inventory modeling and mapping studies(GIMMS) normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI) datasets at a spatial resolution of 8 km and 15-d interval to investigate the spatial patterns of cropland phenology in China.A smoothing algorithm based on an asymmetric Gaussian function was first performed on NDVI dataset to minimize the effects of anomalous values caused by atmospheric haze and cloud contamination.Subsequent processing for identifying cropping systems and extracting phenological parameters,the starting date of growing season(SGS) and the ending date of growing season(EGS) was based on the smoothed NVDI time-series data.The results showed that the cropping systems in China became complex as moving from north to south of China.Under these cropping systems,the SGS and EGS for the first growing season varied largely over space,and those regions with multiple cropping systems generally presented a significant advanced SGS and EGS than the regions with single cropping patterns.On the contrary,the phenological events of the second growing season including both the SGS and EGS showed little difference between regions.The spatial patterns of cropping systems and phenology in Chinese cropland were highly related to the geophysical environmental factors.Several anthropogenic factors,such as crop variety,cultivation levels,irrigation,and fertilizers,could profoundly influence crop phenological status.How to discriminate the impacts of biophysical forces and anthropogenic drivers on phenological events of cultivation remains a great challenge for further studies. This study used time-series of global inventory modeling and mapping studies (GIMMS) normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) datasets at a spatial resolution of 8 km and 15-d interval to investigate the spatial patterns of cropland phenology in China. A smoothing algorithm based on an asymmetric Gaussian function was first performed on NDVI dataset to minimize the effects of anomalous values ​​caused by atmospheric haze and cloud contamination. Subsequent processing for identifying cropping systems and extracting phenological parameters, the starting date of growing season (SGS) and the ending date of growing season (EGS) was based on the smoothed NVDI time-series data. The results showed that the cropping systems in China became complex as moving from north to south of China. Under these cropping systems, the SGS and EGS for the first growing season varied largely over space, and those regions with multiple cropping systems generally presented a significant advanced SGS and EGS than the regi ons with single cropping patterns. On the contrary, the phenological events of the second growing season including both the SGS and EGS showed little difference between regions. The spatial patterns of cropping systems and phenology in Chinese cropland were highly related to the geophysical environmental factors. Several anthropogenic factors, such as crop variety, cultivation levels, irrigation, and fertilizers, could profoundly influence crop phenological status. How to discriminate the impacts of biophysical forces and anthropogenic drivers on phenological events of cultivation remains a great challenge for further studies.
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