岳阳在湘东北,临长江,控洞庭,扼湘、资、沅、澧四水,又拥湖南进入湖北必经之路,自古为兵家必争之地。相传古代巴国军队从四川沿长江侵入楚国,战于该地。巴国士兵尸体堆积如山,葬于岳阳,故古时岳阳又称巴陵,即巴人陵墓之意。至今于岳阳楼公园入口处书有巴陵胜景数字,即缘于此。 岳阳楼被称为江南三大名楼之一。三大名楼是指武昌的黄鹤楼,南昌的滕王阁和岳阳的岳阳
Yueyang in the northeast of Hunan, facing the Yangtze River, controlling Dongting, Xianghu, capital, Yuan, 澧 Si Shui, and embracing Hunan into Hubei must pass through the road, since ancient times for the military strategist. According to legend, the ancient Pakistani army from Sichuan along the Yangtze River invaded Chu, fighting in the area. Pakistani soldiers body piled up, buried in Yueyang, so the ancient Yueyang, also known as Baling, Pakistan Palestinian mausoleum meaning. So far in the Yueyang Lou Park entrance book Baling King number, that is due to this. Yueyang Tower is known as one of the three famous Jiangnan buildings. Three famous buildings refers to the Yellow Crane Tower in Wuchang, Nanchang, Teng Wang Court and Yueyang of Yueyang