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关于小口腔腺的研究中,对排泄管的形态学研究非常少,特别是对口唇腺导管走行的研究,我们尚未见到。作者以前曾观察了各种导管的走行情况,此次仅就口唇腺报导一些见解。 1.口唇腺的外形:口唇腺在唇粘膜内呈带状扩布,上口唇腺以正中线分为左侧和右侧两个腺叶群,下口唇腺形成左右相连续的腺叶群。这种情况与颜面的发生过程有关。上颌突的愈合在胚胎第6~7周,下颌突的愈合在第四周,口唇腺的发生在第7周以后,由于上唇的愈合比下唇晚,因为造成上口唇腺叶的不连续性。 2.口唇腺导管的走行:制作上唇的点状连续组织切片,观察口唇腺及其导管,多数腺叶并非无次序的散在,而是按一定的方式排列的,各个导管也是有规律的从上内方斜向下 In the study of small oral glands, there are very few morphological studies on drainage tubes, especially the study of the ducts of the labial glands, which we have not yet seen. The author previously observed the various catheters and reported only some opinions on the labial glands. 1. The shape of the labrum glands: The labial glands are banded in the mucosa of the lips. The upper labial glands are divided into two gland groups on the left and right sides with the median line, and the lower labial glands form the left and right contiguous glands. This situation is related to the process of appearance. The maxillary protrusion heals at the 6th to 7th week of the embryo, and the mandibular protrusion heals at the fourth week. The labial gland occurs after the 7th week. The upper lip is healed later than the lower lip because of the discontinuity of the upper labial gland. . 2. Walk of the labial gland duct: Make a point-like continuous tissue section of the upper lip and observe the labial glands and their ducts. Most of the glands and leaves are not randomly scattered, but are arranged in a certain manner. Each of the catheters is also regular from above. Inside is slanting down
1974年Appelman等报告7例结肠袋形正常的多发性长条状息肉样病变命名为丝状息肉病(Filiform polyposis),认为是溃疡性结肠炎的一种非寻常后果。1975年Spark又报告一相似的病
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根据 Ellis 与 Orton 提出的假设标准剂量(Nominal Standard Dose 即 NSD)的概念和Hugh 等的射线累积效应的计算,我们自1980年4月至1981年5月,对20例皮肤癌患者进行大剂量短
我科自1968年至1979年手术治疗肺癌患者259例,现将治疗结果和远期疗效报告如下。资料分析 1.性别、年龄:全组男198例,女61例,男与女之比为3.2∶1;年龄最小者12岁,最大者72岁
本院从1975年~1982年4月共收治甲亢156例,其中不典型甲亢18例,结合1975年前不典型甲亢7例,总结分析如下: 临床资料本组25例不典型甲亢中男16例,女9例。选择标准为:①甲状腺征
到临汾任职前,魏琦是山西省电力公司的营销部主任,近年来山西每次高危客户出了问题他几乎都跑过现场,经历过矿难后的连续阴霾与黑暗,也感受过生命奇迹后的大悲大 Prior to j