Since 2016, the spy-war drama began to be active on the screen. The market showed a small-scale blowout phenomenon and the quarterly fiery spy-war drama became the boom of theatrical drama that runs from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. Since the drama “Decryption” hit in June, the market for spy-war drama was completely ignited in 2016, while the other two spy-war drama “FY” and “The Chaser” Obviously dismal, it is obvious that this is two more partial traditional spy war range children’s TV series. From this we can see that the idol faction war drama has occupied the current market, representing the spy war drama in 2016 will be an immeasurable momentum. Although “Spy + Idol ” reputation worries, but when the rigid mode of spy-war, idolization will undoubtedly inject a spit-war drama fresh blood. In the face of more and more idolized spy war drama, the industry’s comments are mixed.