在汾河之滨、尧都平阳有一位妇孺皆知的名人,被人们称为当代“李有才”。他就是年近花甲的临汾市政法委纪检副书记李杰生。 李杰生,中等个头,精神矍铄,清瘦的脸膛表露出深沉、刚毅的性格。他出生于洪洞县苏堡镇的一个农民家庭。穷困的父亲想尽办法打点学费供他读了中学、升了中专。参加工作之后,他做过教师,搞过商业,后来又成了一名纪检干部。他到纪检部门工作后,目睹社会上各种不正之风,不良倾向,总试图用真、善、美去改造净化社会环境,特别是看到一些家教不严的青少年在父
On the banks of the Fenhe River, there is a famous woman known to all in Yaodou as the “Li Youcai” contemporary. He is near the annual Linfen Municipal Politics and Law Committee Li Jie, deputy secretary of discipline inspection. Li Jie students, medium size, spirit shy, lean face reveals a deep, resolute personality. He was born in a peasant family in Fort Town, Hongdong County. Poor father tried his best to manage his tuition for his high school, secondary school. After attending the work, he worked as a teacher, engaged in business, and later became a discipline inspection cadre. After he went to work in the discipline inspection department, he witnessed all kinds of unhealthy tendencies and bad tendencies in society. He always tried to reform the social environment with truth, goodness and beauty. In particular, he saw some teens with poor tutoring