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近日,记住乡愁·2016首届中国古村落保护与发展研讨会在北京举行。研讨会邀请古村落保护与发展领域专家、学者以及古村落守护者参会,分享经验、分析问题、探讨策略、筹谋发展,围绕“记住乡愁”这一主题展开研讨。研讨会上,中国旅游研究院学术委员会主任、世界旅游城市联合会专家委员会主任、旅游经济和管理专家魏小安掷地有声的发问,“追忆乡愁, Recently, I remember nostalgia · The first symposium on the protection and development of ancient Chinese villages in 2016 was held in Beijing. The seminar invites experts, scholars and ancient village keepers from ancient villages to participate in the forum, share experiences, analyze problems, discuss strategies and make plans for development. The seminar revolves around the theme of ”remember nostalgia.“ At the seminar, Wei Xiaomin, director of the academic committee of China Tourism Academy and director of the expert committee of the World Federation of Tourism Cities, throws his voice at the sound of questions, ”recalling nostalgia,
地震记录道 x(t)的褶积模型,假设其功率谱为S(f)=S_P(f)S_R(f) (1)其中 S_P(f)是地震脉冲的傅里叶变换的平方值,S_R(f)是反射序列功率谱。子波提取的通用方法是量测若干相邻