以选出的红色籽用西瓜 2 4个自交单系为材料 ,测定了果实的纵横径、固形物和种子长、宽、厚、千粒重、出仁率等 1 1个经济性状。通过性状之间的相关与回归分析 ,探讨了红色籽用西瓜经济性状遗传的相关规律。研究结果表明 ,果实大小与产籽量、果肉固形物含量与种子大小、果肉固形物含量与千粒重呈显著或极显著正相关 ;种子出仁率与种子厚度呈正相关、与其余测定性状呈负相关 ,但均未达显著水平。多元回归分析显示 ,单果产籽率与种子重呈正相关 ,与单果重、种子数、千粒重呈负相关
In this study, 24 selfing single lines of watermelon were selected from the red seeds to determine the economic traits such as the vertical and horizontal diameter of the fruit, the solid content and seed length, width, thickness, grain weight and kernel rate. Through the correlation and regression analysis of traits, the related rules of genetic inheritance of red watermelon with watermelon were discussed. The results showed that fruit size and seed yield, fruit pulp solids content and seed size, pulp solids content and grain weight were significant or very significant positive correlation; seed kernel rate was positively correlated with seed thickness, negative correlation with other measured traits , But did not reach the significant level. Multiple regression analysis showed that the seed yield of single fruit was positively correlated with the weight of the seed and negatively correlated with the weight of single fruit, the number of seeds and the weight of 1000-grain