【摘 要】
Life is not as good as usual, like Venus’s broken arm. It is incomplete, but it leaves people with many imaginations. The poet Li Bai of the Tang Dynasty was devalued, but he was able to destroy his eyebrows and lose his power. The pastoral poet Tao Yuanming was able to return home, but he was able to ”get chrysanthemum and live under the fence, and leisurely see Nanshan,“ and the famous poet Su Shi was demoted. Can ”a rainy day Renping “. Fate, career, and even physical defects, whether ordinary or master, are difficult to escape. Perhaps it is this deficiency that casts the beauty of life. Mr. Hua Lugeng, a mathematics master, left his leg with a big circle and walked with a small step on his right leg because of the disabled left leg. For this peculiar and strenuous walk, he had humorously jokingly called the ”circle and tangent
伯克说:“良好的秩序是一切美好事物的基础。”走路、交往、为人、处世等,都得遵守秩序。比如说走路,如果不遵守交通秩序,原本宽敞的大道却被堵得水泄不通,行人寸步难行;原本不会发生的事故却频频发生,造成不该发生的悲剧……所以,阿米尔说:“秩序意味着光明和安宁,意味着内在的自由和自我控制;秩序就是力量,是人类最大的需要,是真正的幸福所在。” 秩序包括两种,一种是外在的,比如交通秩序,一种是心灵的,比如为
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停止了猛烈的北风吹送, 雪落在熹微的晨光中, 庄稼地铺上了暖和的棉被, 麦苗儿做着香甜的酣梦。 庭院里,橘树披上银装, 枝叶间缀着点点果红。 一群小孩子掷着雪球嬉戏, 欢声笑语祝福人寿年丰。
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读《毛泽东书信选集》有感 亲笔覆函赤忱显,万机日理不辞劳。 坚持原则明分寸,眷顾亲情赠绨袍。 资助族人怀诚意,匡扶师友念旧交。 从来行事遵准则,立党为公树高标。 读习近平同志在文艺座谈会上的讲话 高屋建瓴宏论发,振兴文艺播清芬。 坚持导向求善美,贴近人民塑灵魂。 铜臭远离提境界,高峰构筑扎深根。 源头活水关全局,指路南针定一尊。 读习近平同志对八种文艺怪现状的批评有感 涛涛宏
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