这是在今年七月二十二日于新加坡进行的第七届亚洲田径锦标赛女子跳远比赛上发生的情景: 中国选手王智慧第三次跳过6.57米后,忽然掉过头来对站在场边的我说道:“我想破纪录!”她话音未落,新加坡裁判忙跑过来制止(因为田径比赛规则不允许运动员与场外人说话)。她的“越轨”行动还连累了我。我原以为悄悄“潜伏”在这个离沙坑最近的“隐蔽地”绝不会引人注目,但还是被闻声而来的新加坡警员礼貌地“护送”到记者席。一向文静的王智慧这次为什么有如此“反常”的举止?这是谁也不会料到的。两年前,王智慧随上
Here is what happened at the 7th Asian Athletics Championships Women’s Long Jump Contest to be held in Singapore on July 22 this year: After Chinese player Wang Zhihui skipped 6.57 meters for the third time, he suddenly turned his head away to me on the sidelines Said: “I want to break the record!” Her voice hardly ever, Singapore referee busy to stop (because athletics rules do not allow athletes to speak with outsiders). Her “deviant” action also hurt me. I thought that quietly “lurking” would not be noticeable in this “covert” nearest to the bunker, but was still politely “escorted” to the press seat by Singaporean police officers who heard the news. Wang Wenhui has always been quiet Why is this so “abnormal” behavior? This is no one expected. Two years ago, Wang Zhihui goes up