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始终坚持把人民生命财产安全放在经济社会发展首位,是践行党的宗旨、向党和人民负责的必然要求。安监部门践行党的群众路线,坚持全心全意为人民服务的根本宗旨,秉持立党为公、执政为民的崇高执政理念,最基本的要求就是要把人民群众的生命安危放在首位,恪尽职守,做人民群众生命财产安全的忠诚守护者,切实防范重特大事故发生。始终坚持把人民生命财产安全放在经济社会发展首位,是落实科学发展观、为加快推进“科学发展、富民兴渝”和全面建成小康社会提供坚实的安全保障的必然要求。“科学发展、富民兴 It is an inevitable requirement that we should always put people’s lives and property safety first in economic and social development and that they should practice the party’s purpose and are responsible to the party and the people. The basic requirements of the safety supervision department in practicing the party’s mass line and upholding the fundamental principle of serving the people wholeheartedly and upholding the lofty ruling philosophy of building the party for the public and governing for the people is to give top priority to the safety of the people and the masses in their work and fulfill their duties , Be the loyal guardian of people’s lives and property, and effectively prevent major accidents. Always keeping the safety of people’s lives and property on the top of economic and social development is the inevitable requirement for implementing the scientific concept of development and providing a solid security guarantee for accelerating ”scientific development, enriching the people and promoting prosperity for all“ and fully building a moderately prosperous society. ”Scientific development, enriching people
深海曳航式地震勘探是一种新技术,八十年代在美国、英国等国家始有勘探成果公开发表,当时在日本这还是个未开发领域。 Deep-sea towed seismic exploration is a new techno
我国的会计电算化事业自1979年 起步以来已经历了20多年的发展历程,随着会计电算化软件的日趋成熟,软 件的商品化、市场化已达到相当的规 模。越来越多的中小企业也已紧跟大
太极梅花螳螂拳是一种技击性非常强的拳种,在实战中以招也打,不招也打,连招带打。其打中有拿,拿中有擒,擒中有摔,擒摔结合。现介绍螳螂拳擒摔十法,以供同好参考。 Tai Chi p