【摘 要】
The average power of diode-pumped fiber lasers has been developed deeply into the kW regime in the past years. However, stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) is still a major factor limiting the further power scaling. Here, we have demonstrated the mitigation
【机 构】
【出 处】
The average power of diode-pumped fiber lasers has been developed deeply into the kW regime in the past years. However, stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) is still a major factor limiting the further power scaling. Here, we have demonstrated the mitigation of SRS in kilowatt-level diode-pumped fiber amplifiers using a chirped and tilted fiber Bragg grating (CTFBG) for the first time. The CTFBG is designed and inscribed in large-mode-area (LMA) fibers, matching with the operating wavelength of the fiber amplifier. With the CTFBG inserted between the seed laser and the amplifier stage, an SRS suppression ratio of
Based on the optimization and improvement for the construction method of systematically constructed Gallager (SCG) (4, k) code, a novel SCG low density parity check (SCG-LDPC)(3969, 3720) code to be suitable for optical transmission systems is constructed
针对三轴遥感卫星天线用户任务逐渐增多, 消耗的能源越来越多的现状, 简要介绍了天线控制系统的功能和组成。以功耗测试数据为依据, 分析了三轴遥感卫星天线的能耗情况, 从缩短天线闭环等待时间、第三轴下电抱闸等方面讨论了降低功耗策略和措施, 并提出一种智能化力矩偏置控制的设计, 通过智能力偏设置电路去除力矩偏置值, 有效控制和降低设备的能耗。
In this paper, we design a one-dimensional (1D) parity-time-symmetric periodic ring optical waveguide network (PTSPROWN) and investigate its extraordinary optical characteristics. It is found that quite different from traditional vacuum/dielectric optical
利用自行研制的湍流气象探空仪,对西藏拉萨的温度、风速、风向等常规气象参数廓线和 Cn2廓线进行探测。分析了湍流强度和常规气象参数随高度的变化趋势。比较了夜晚和早晨的湍流特征,发现8~15 km处两者均出现强湍流层,且8 km以上早晨的湍流强度大于夜晚的湍流强度。同时基于Hufnagel-Vally 5/7模式,利用探空数据拟合得到符合拉萨湍流特征的拉萨 Cn2经验模式。对此经验模式进行统计分析,结果进一步证明拉萨 Cn2经验模式能有效估算拉萨的湍流强度。最后,将拉萨与高美谷的探空数据进行对比分析,发现拉萨
近年来,可见盲与太阳盲光电探测器在火灾监控、太空通信和导弹尾焰探测等方面的应用引起了越来越多的关注。由于氮化镓(GaN)是直接宽带隙半导体材料,所以成为了在可见区与紫外区的光电器件的首选材料,而p-i-n结构的器件因其响应度高、暗电流低、便于集成等优点倍受人们的青睐。采用金属有机气相外延(MOCVD)法制备了p-i-n结构的GaN紫外光电探测器。在此基础上,采用N2气氛下热退火处理的方法,提高了p型GaN层的载流子浓度,从而降低了器件的暗电流。器件在1 V偏压下,暗电流仅为65 pA。器件在1 V偏压下的