布比卡因(Bupiva Caine)为一新合成的酰胺类局麻药,具有作用强、持续时间长、毒性低的特点,国外于60年代始用于临床,普遍认为是一安全又有确实效果的局麻药物。我院于1984年9月起,应用国产布比卡因与利多卡因的混合液于临床,对40例(40眼)老年性白内障进行囊内冰冻摘除术,取得满意效果,现报告如下:联合手术,余37例均为老年性白内障囊内摘除术。
Bupivacaine (Bupiva Caine) is a newly synthesized amide local anesthetic with strong effect, long duration and low toxicity. It has been widely used clinically in the 1960s as a safe and effective method Local anesthetic drugs. Our hospital in September 1984, the application of a mixture of domestic bupivacaine and lidocaine in clinical, 40 cases (40 eyes) senile cataract intracapsular debridement and achieved satisfactory results, are as follows: Combined surgery, more than 37 cases were senile cataract cyst excision.