2003年10月3日完成了对安海雅颂的调查之后,沪江御宾社成了我们调查行程的下一站。御宾社据称已有371年的历史,尽管在目前见到的史料中并没有相关的记载,但是在南音业内,大家似乎也都认可这种说法。 同大多数的南音社团一样,它有着简朴的石制门楣,这是闽南民间特有的建筑风格,它的厚重仿佛也契合着南音的悠久历史。进门是一个五六十平方的演出厅,陈设十分简朴。因为不是演出的时候,显得冷冷清清。演奏声从二楼传来,是四五个年长的社员和几个不过二十岁的年轻小姑娘,其中一
After the investigation of Anhai Ozon was completed on 3 October 2003, Shanghai Royal Guest House became the next stop of our survey. The guesthouse is said to have a history of 371 years. Although there is no relevant record in the historical materials we have seen so far, it seems that everyone in the Nanyin industry also endorses this view. Like most of the Nanyin groups, it has a simple stone lintel, which is unique to the Minnan folk architectural style, its thick as if also fit the long history of the Nanyin. The door is a 50-60 square performance hall, furnishings are very simple. Because it is not a time of performance, it seems deserted. From the second floor, the performance sound came from four or five senior members and a few young girls under the age of twenty, one of whom